Website Maintenance & Support

Improve your Website Performance

Are you not receiving the level of support you need from your current agency? Is your website load time an issue? Slow load time can lead to a decrease in conversions by 7% and a drop in customer satisfaction by 16%. Our team has 13 years of experience in providing enterprise-level support and offers ongoing maintenance and improvement services for projects of all sizes through our MSA Support and Service solution.

Responsive Web Support Services

We provide website support service that helps tackle any issues that arise while running your website. We understand the importance of speed as 40% of website visitors leave when loading time exceeds three seconds. It’s our duty to ensure that your website remains functional and online by providing ongoing maintenance and support.

It is important to have a plan in place for when unexpected issues arise, to ensure that your business’s online reputation is not affected and that your website is quickly restored. In addition to monitoring and support, we offer guarantees to ensure that these goals are met.


Website Maintenance & Support

Minimised Security Risks

Our process begins by meeting with you to understand the goals you have for your new website. Following that, we will review and evaluate your current website and make recommendations for any necessary improvements.


Complete Reports

We provide you with performance and response time reports to give you an insight on how your website is performing and any issues that might have arisen


Alert Mechanisms

Our team continuously monitors the uptime of your website and has established alert systems in place to address any issues promptly.


Cloud Backups

We offer offsite cloud backup services that allow you to fully restore your website within a short period of time in case of any unforeseen issues.


Efficient Response

We have Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in place that ensure timely responses and prompt resolution of any issues, with guarantees on response and resolution times.


Constant Monitoring

We actively monitor resource usage and detect any spikes in traffic, and have alerts in place to respond promptly to any issues that might arise.


WEb support & Maintenance 

This service includes:

  • Security: We provide protection against hackers from gaining access to your site and can safeguard your emails from spam attacks.
  • Backups: We take regular and thorough backups of your site on an offsite cloud system, so that it can be fully restored in case of loss.
  • Monitoring: We monitor your website functionality to ensure everything is working as it should and that it is upgraded where necessary.
  • Downtime: In case of downtime, we will assist you by liaising with the hosting company to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

the benefits

Benefits of Web Design

Web support and maintenance services are essential for ensuring that your website remains functional and up-to-date. These services can provide a number of benefits for website owners such as ensuring the website is secure, providing an improved user experience, increasing search engine visibility, providing proactive problem resolution, cost-effective, and giving peace of mind. With regular updates and maintenance, bugs can be fixed, performance can be improved and security vulnerabilities can be protected. Regular monitoring and maintenance can ensure that the website is functioning properly and providing a better experience for users. Websites that are regularly updated and maintained tend to rank better on search engines, helping to increase traffic to your site. With regular monitoring and maintenance, issues can be identified and resolved before they cause major disruptions to the website, this can save costs in the long run by preventing major issues from arising, and by avoiding the need for costly redesigns or rebuilds. Knowing that your website is in good hands and will be taken care of can give website owners peace of mind and allow them to focus on other aspects of their business.


WEb support & Maintenance 

Why do you need Web Support & Maintenance?

  • Keeping your website up-to-date: Websites that are regularly updated and maintained tend to be more secure, faster, and better optimized for search engines, which can lead to improved performance and user engagement.
  • Security: Maintaining your website also includes ensuring it is secure from hacking attempts, viruses, and other malicious activities that can harm the website or the users visiting it.
  • Providing a positive user experience: Regular monitoring and maintenance can ensure that the website is functioning properly, providing a better experience for users. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, trust, and conversion rates.
  • SEO: Regularly maintaining your website can improve SEO by addressing technical issues, optimizing content, and keeping your website’s design up-to-date with the latest web standards.
  • Scalability: as the business grows, website may need more resources, bandwidth, storage or new features to accommodate the change, maintenance can help keep the website running smoothly during the scalability process.
  • Compliance: depending on the industry and regulations, website owners might need to make sure that their website is complying with the laws and regulations for their specific industry, this is only achievable by keeping the website updated and in compliance with the current regulations.

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